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Messages posted by: CaptainCasa  XML
Profile for CaptainCasa -> Messages posted by CaptainCasa [5519] Go to Page: Previous  1, 2, 3 ... 343, 344, 345 ... 366, 367, 368 Next 
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we are just developing the possibility to have mulitple workpage containers on one screen. The SELECTOR component can be customized to look like a "tab" of a tabpane (it's what we do within the Tools: the tab line above the Layout Editor, in which you see the layouts that you opened, actually is a SELECTOR).

You will be able to drag & drop workpages from one container to the next, etc.

I think this goes exactly the direction you are requesting...?

btw.: As far as I can say for now, there will be no interface change from application point of view, in case you upgrade from one workpage container to mulitples. I.e. there is no workpage content affected.

Development results should be available somewhere in 1-2 weeks.

...could everyone suffering from this problem re-check:


Chances have - I hope... - dramatically increased, that the demos are working in your client as well.


In the Internet Browser you have dedicated DownloadManagers which run asynchronously to the browser processing.

The file download component receives the file content through the http repsponses it receives from the server. This has advantages (snychrounouse + simple integration into application), and disadvantages (limitation of file size).

This limitation is "fact" at the moment, if we like it or not...
It's our "hope" that the typical download sizes are below 10 MB and that this restriction is not too critical.

We could think about an explicit asynch download manager for big files in CaptainCasa as well, but this is a bigger issue, i.e. it's not somehing to be implemented by the way...


...the file is kept in memory of the client until it is downloaded, that's the reason. The default memory of the client VM is 64 MB. With 47 MB and some garbage on top you are in a critical area.

It's the client's memory, not the Tomcat's memory that is the problem!

My recommendation: limit to 10MB (the max. size is in the download component).

...yes, the file size is limited by memory. You need to limit the download and also upload side by specifying the max. size attribute.

...yes, we changed it. Background: all the blanks are communicated to the client at runtime as well... You are right, that this is not the nicest think when it comes to subversion.
We will do a compromise...: no blanks but line feeds "\n" after each tag.

OK for you?


could you please test the following URL:


The URL opens an Applet which pings a request to the server. You can input proxy parameters via the user interface. Please check within your environment...:

(.) is the ping coming through with blank proxy parameters?
(.) is the ping coming through with proxy parameters that you explicitly set?



drag & drop is "just" the transfer of drag information (DRAGSEND) to a receiver node. The DRAGSEND info consists of "type:data" and the receiving node speficies DROPRECEIVE info consisting out of "type;type".

When info is dropped then the receiving node receives an event of tpye BaseActionEventDrop/DropCopy. Via the API of BaseActionEventDrop you can get the DRAGSEND info from the original component, you dragged from.

You see: drag&drop is, by intention, a very generic mechanism. THe reaction (e.g. cutting one tree branch and putting the into another tree branch) is completely up to you. Result: you can do "what you want".
Just, again, to make sure: there is NO implicit cutting and pasting of treenodes which is part of drag&drop. This is up to you to implement.

Hope, this answer helps you...!

...not a perfect solution yet, but: could you please check the Java Proxy setup (see screen shot)...

...das ausgerechnet bei mir der dämliche Smilie erscheint, ist reiner Zufall...
Das EM Tippspiel ist zu Ende, der Gewinner steht fest: Stephan Rodinger von der VPS gewinnt in souveränster Manier. Auf ihn wartet, wie angekündigt, ein phantastischer Preis beim nächsten Community Treffen.

Hier die Endtabelle:
1. (1) Stephan Rodinger 56,88
2. (2) Tobias Hilka 43,51
3. (3) Robert Rechlitz 42,82
4. (4) Petra Müller 42,56
5. (6) Ralph Kretzler 38,22
6. ( Bjoern Mueller 37,31
7. (5) Agnes Kabat 35,22
8. (7) Thomas Philipp 33,97
9. (9) Andreas Weiß 29,49
10. (10) uwe hoell 19,13
11. (11) Joachim Brandt 9,63

Es fällt ja schon auf, dass Platz 1 bis 3 von Mitarbeitern der VPS gehalten werden. Das intensive Studium von kicker.de während der Arbeitstzeit scheint sich eben positiv ausgewirkt zu haben.

Entgegen vollmundiger Ankündigungen muss sich ein gewisser anderer Herr mit einem goldenen Mittelplatz zufrieden geben - die Familienehre wurde alleine durch seine Frau etwas gerettet (auf Kosten des Haussegens, natürlich).

Zu dem ungenannt bleiben wollenden Schlusslicht, Joachim Brandt, bleibt nur zu sagen: die intensive schweizerische Umgebung scheint sich nicht sonderlich positiv auf die Tippresultate auszuwirken. Immerhin: Joachim war live-Zuschauer der Begegnung Deutschland-Portugal in Basel... Neid!!

Danke an alle für die Teilnahme + viele Grüße!
...please view details within the DevZone of http://www.CaptainCasa.com..


I today got the confirmation of the company QFS to join the meeting and present their tools/concepts for testing appliactions through the user interface. We met QFS at the JAX conference - after short time of installation, their product (which includes a swing testing framework) was able to record test sequences on CaptainCasa Enterprise Client and replay them for testing purposes.

I think this is an absolutely interesting area of interest for all community members. The QFS presentation will be the nucleus for a broader info exchange on automated testing with CaptainCasa Enteprise Client.


ad 1) FIXGRIDListBinding has the method selectItem(), deselectItem(), deselectCurrentSelection()

ad 2) the selection is "by row" (light blue coloring), the component that is the one touched (via mouse/keyboard) is a bit darker, but still the row as a whole is selected - if this is not the case: could you send a screenshot?

ad 3) currently every control of a grid is focusable (as long as it is enabled); background you also want to scroll through a list of e.g. labels. I.e. if you have a LABEL and you do not want to have it focusabled, use a FIELD where you set ENABLED=false.

Hope this helps!

...OK, we now found a way to render the BUTTON element dependent from the classic style being selected or not... Issue is solved.

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