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Messages posted by: CaptainCasa  XML
Profile for CaptainCasa -> Messages posted by CaptainCasa [5521] Go to Page: Previous  1, 2, 3 ... 342, 343, 344 ... 367, 368, 369 Next 
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I did some measurements:

The way I measured:

(.) I have a page (that is now part of the demo workplace) that shows the used memory (the one you get fomr Runtime.getRuntime(). ...). I.e. you need to measure in this Java level, any looking into Windwos task manager is not giving any results... From the page you can start the garbage collector as well.

(.) I start Tomcat, show the memory, and presse "Garbage Collect" until memory is minimal...

(.) Now I start 10 parallel clients with a certain application, so that they all show up in parallel.

(.) Now I go back to the memory page, presse "Garbage Collect" until memory is minimal again - and then compare.

10 * Simple Screen (hello world -level): Memory on serve side increases bei 1.6 MB ==> 160kByte per Session
10 * Complex Screen (Demo Workplace): Moemory on server side increases by 5.5 MB ==> 1/2 MB per Session
In both scenarios there is not database connection of the application etc.

Result: JSF / CaptainCasa does not require much memory itself - there is the tree of components which is typically kept in memory between two requests (yes, it can be passivated as well, but this is not what typically happens). The main chunk normally is the application objects (stateful managed beans).


we are mentioned in the print version of German's "Computerwoche", page 27, Nr. 29/30, 18th of July. The article talks about disappointment of Web2.0 in the area of business users and exactly lists the limits of AJAX base user interfaces.

Have a look at the end of the article in which solution scenarios are described. Of course the big ones Silverlight and Macrmedia are mentioned first, but then there is a nice sentence: "In vielen Fällen können auch spezialisierte Anbieter von modernen Client-Frameworks wie Nexaweb, Curl und die deutsche CaptainCasa dazu beitragen, den anspruchsvollen Power User glücklich zu machen."

To be listed in this way is absolutely amazing!!

Let's continue development! ;-)


ad (1): is "in" from next update on for FIELD and FORMATTEDFIELD.
ad (2): ...yes...: we can provide an ignore list of file names, that is defined within the project definition, should be "in" with next update as well


(PS: some other features you requested - multiple dispatcherinfo.xml - are in work as well...)
...did you yet flush=true...?
...What is the datatype on server side in your case? String...?
the error was fixed with this Monday's version (it's the OKPopup error which is mentioned in the version info).
Hi Tobias,

well: you can of course provide a servlet for building up the HTML page containing the applet-tag. In the servlet you just read all paramters and append them to the applet tag.

...hmm, I tested (event though I could not believe at all what you are saying... :

Applet start html:
 <body leftmargin=0 rightmargin=0 topmargin=0 bottommargin=0 style="overflow: hidden">
 <applet code="org.eclnt.client.page.PageApplet.class" 
         archive="eclnt/lib/eclnt.jar" width="100%" height="100%">
     <param name='page' value='faces/workplace/demohttpparams.jsp?param1=AAA¶m2=BBB'>

This is my program:
 package workplace;
 import java.io.Serializable;
 import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
 import org.eclnt.editor.annotations.CCGenClass;
 import org.eclnt.jsfserver.util.HttpSessionAccess;
 @CCGenClass (expressionBase="#{wp.DemoHttpParams}")
 public class DemoHttpParams implements Serializable
     public DemoHttpParams()
         HttpServletRequest request = HttpSessionAccess.getCurrentRequest();
         m_param1 = request.getParameter("param1");
         m_param2 = request.getParameter("param2");
     public void onCalLServer(ActionEvent event) 
     protected String m_param2;
     public String getParam2() { return m_param2; }
     public void setParam2(String value) { m_param2 = value; }
     protected String m_param1;
     public String getParam1() { return m_param1; }
     public void setParam1(String value) { m_param1 = value; }

Everything is passed perfectly... in my case. What do I do differently?

What do you mean with "standard framework translations"?

Info on how to set up translation management for your own application is given within the Developers# Guide. Maybe this is what you are looking for...?

...pls pay attention when using Popups with dispatcher: you need to set the contentreplacedrilldown... Please check the wokrplace examples in the Demo Workpalce. Otherwise the popup will refer to the main dispatcher, while you want the popup to refer to your current dispatcher.

Hope this helps...

Please find details in http://www.captaincasa.com ==> DevZone.

...well, the page that you are mentioning is the page containing the applet. There the appending of parameters does not work (at least if using the default calling), but you can pass parameters to the caller of the .jsp page, of course.


These parameters are then reachable exactly the way you describe!

Same response as in the orther thread:

After having checked the problem, the solution was/is as follows:

The Eclipse project was created by importing an exisiting project from the file system. ...and: there is a little checkbox in the import dialog: "Copy project into workspace". If this is pressed then Eclipse does not work on the directory which was created by the CaptainCasa toolset, but the directory was copied into another location.

As result the Layout Editor still takes the original directory it created, whereas the programming is done in the copy created by Eclipse.

After having checked the problem, the solution was/is as follows:

The Eclipse project was created by importing an exisiting project from the file system. ...and: there is a little checkbox in the import dialog: "Copy project into workspace". If this is pressed then Eclipse does not work on the directory which was created by the CaptainCasa toolset, but the directory was copied into another location.

As result the Layout Editor still takes the original directory it created, whereas the programming is done in the copy created by Eclipse.

...attribute "defaultvalue" was added to COMBOBOX, available with next update...

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