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Messages posted by: hilka  XML
Profile for hilka -> Messages posted by hilka [191] Go to Page: Previous  1, 2, 3 , 4, 5 ... 11, 12, 13 Next 
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Could you add it to the developers guide? Thanks.

Hi Björn,

in early version of Captain Casa, the client automatically reconnected to the server after connection timeout, so the user was logged out, but was not scared by the error screen.
I remember discussing with you about some client parameter to control the behaviour on client timeout. Could not find anything in Developers Guide.

Hello Captain,

we developed a client component to capture images from localhost. The bytes that we retrieved from our capture component are currently directly passed to the server as String (new String(byte[])). Works fine so far.
But do we have to encode this information to the hex format (ValueManager.encodeHexString) to be sure that there are no illegal characters contained?

Maybe I got a misunderstanding here:
I want our component to behave as if a flush happens (all setters on server side are invoked). Currently I don't have an actionListener that is called after finishing client side processing.
Do we have to implement this with an actionListener? So we will have to encode the information in the invoke event call string?

Hello Captain,

we try to return the result of our client component to the server. If we use registerDirtyInformation(getId(), someResultString), the value is properly transferred to the server. But if we use getPage().callServer(this, getId(), someResultString), the resulting property on server side is "someResultString()" with the two brackets appended.
Since the result of our client side call should be immediately transferred to the server, we want to use callServer.
Could you please give us a hint how to use callServer?

Hi Captain,

I just read the documentation for developing client side components. There is a hint about the package in which to put the client component classes and that this restriction may change.

Do we still have to put our classes in org.eclnt.client.elements.impl?

Hello Captain,

we just deployed the new version (40_20120109) and the performance issue is gone.


Hello Captain,

first of all: Happy new Year!

Second: We implemented a mechanism to provide a windowing mechanism for loading the data from the database and putting them in a FixGridListBinding. Actually, we implemented this mechanism some years ago and everything was fine until now.

Now we have a customer which has several hundred thousand entries in one grid. Everything works fine until the user tries to click on the scrollbar to scroll to the next page.

We did some profiling and found out that the method listItemWasRemoved loops through all entries for each entry in the list (O(n^2)).

Can you please check if this default behaviour is correct. As a hint: We fill the list entries by calling set(index, item) on the getItems() list.


Good to hear you did not face problems with JMeter. Which version did you use?
We will try it ourselfs in the next few weeks.


I read some good things about Apache JMeter.
But when I tried it at home with a CaptainCasa Application, the tool brought up a NullPointerException. Maybe there is a better version out by now, did not check.

But in general we are also very interested in this topic. Maybe Captain Casa can come up with a suggestion.

Hello Captain,

I have a grid with one column containing a combobox. The rows can be added using a button.
To populate the entries of the drop-down list I wanted to use the LoadOnDemand mechanism (database is involved).

So when I open the page, add a new line and open the drop-down list of the combobox, the list is empty. On server side, the event does not occurr. If I change the page (so that the current page is not shown any more) and I switch back to the page with the combobox and open the drop-down list, the event occurrs and the list is filled.

By the way, I tried your Combobox Sample in the demo workplace and it does not work either. I tried two versions: one from july and the latest release (20111017). Same behaviour.

Please let me know if you need help to reproduce the issue.

Hi Captain,

is the feature already included? I could not find any hint in the changelog.

Hello Captain,

is it possible to add the close icon to the tab of a workpage, so that it looks more browser/eclipse-like. Currently, the function is accessible through right-mouse-click on the tab.

Maybe you can add some configuration if the close (and the other icons) should appear in the tab or in the header line.

Hello Captain,

I created a new page and create a backing bean (in the dispatcher package) using the code generator. The expression used for a grid in the bean is something like #{d.mySimpleBean.myGrid}.

Then I changed both the Annotation @CCGenClass(expressionBase = "#{d.mySimpleBean}") and the Method getRootExpressionUsedInPage() to use the expression getRootExpressionUsedInPage() to return the expression #{d.mySimpleBean}.

But I still see the expression #{d.mySimpleBean.myGrid} in the code generator. Only when I change the entry in the dispatcherinfo to the new name (<managedbean name="dataPoolSelection" ...), the expression is updated accordingly.

What are all these expressions about? Is there a way to use either the expression from the annotation or the value of the getRootExpressionUsedInPage() method as expression base for the code generator?

Hello Captain,

we are experiencing a different behaviour in the YesNoPopup with cancel enabled for pressing the X in the upper right and pressing cancel in the popup.

My expectation would be that the popup behaves the same, for me, pressing X and pressing cancel is the same action.

We need this since we implement a change detection and we display a popup to the user ("Do you want save your changes?") and we want to perform some special action in cancel which is not performed when we press X.

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