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Messages posted by: heyl  XML
Profile for heyl -> Messages posted by heyl [267] Go to Page: 1, 2, 3  ...  16, 17, 18 Next 
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Hi everyone,

please can someone explain to me what ccaround.jsp is for?

It's called quite often and during logout of our application we get a HTTP 500 without any logs and hints however.

No misbehavior of the application is visible but we like to understand the reason, in order to make sure there are no security or other issues.

Thanks and best regards


Thanks a lot!
Hi Björn,

thanks for the info - ah, yes, now I think I remember we already talked about it many years ago

Still if I could have a new regexmode with the same behavior as mode 1, except not switching back to the old value, please, I (and our customers) would be more than happy.

Also maybe the description of mode 0 is not quite exact, it it a little missleading.... but in the demo it says
"REGEXMODE = 0 (default - invalid input values are accepted)", which is very precise, I must admit! Maybe you can add this to the component doc as well.

Best regards

regexmode=0 does not show an error message as the doc says, at least how I understood it: "Component shows error, value is kept".
I expected it would show the error message, but keep the old value with red background, so that the user can edit it instead of re-typing everything.

Instead the component just accepts the value when I focus another field.

Reproducible with demo workspace, demo "Regular Expressions".

Best regards
Ok, thanks, Björn!

I just realized the regex attribute is not supported in LONGTEXTFIELDNode.
At least there are no setRegex*() methods provided.

Is this true? Or will addAttribute("regex", myRegExpression) work anyhow?

Best regards
Hi Björn,

aaah, I found it!

We are setting the language correctly in the sessions, default is English. So I wondered where the German text in the preview was coming from.

The answer was in the Dispatcher.
In the default constructor we are creating some default session parameters with German locale.

         if (HttpSessionAccess.checkIfInLayoutEditorPreview()) {
             m_sessionSettings = new SessionSettings(null, Locale.GERMAN, null);

I didn't even remember the method checkIfInLayoutEditorPreview()

Thanks and best regards

I have another issue related to this:
the default language seems not to work. I want to use English, but the preview still uses German.

My sessiondefaults.xml looks like this (style is working).


What could be the reason?
CaptainCasa version is still 20221005

Best regards

I think you meant the sessiondefaults.xml of the project, right?
that works!

I missunderstood and changed the sessiondefault.xml of the editor

Best regards
Hi Björn,

thanks for your answer. I already tried this yesterday, but the session defaults do not seem to affect the jsp in the preview.

To me it looks like the preview styles (combo box selection list, see screenshot of my first post) are taken from the project and not from the editor.

We are using custom styles in the project, the editor doesn't know them and has it's own set of styles (built into some jar file).
Even copying the custom style into the Editor did not help.

Or has anything changed since version 20221005?
I did not do the update until now.

Best regards
Hi everyone,

does sombody know if it is possible in EclntEditor to pre-select a custom default style that will be used for each jsp preview in the project automatically?

I can change the style for each jsp separately, but I don't find a way to set it as a global default for all jsp pages, for example in the .ccproject.

Does anyone have an idea how it could be done?

Best would be if it could use a style from the running application, not only from the project source webapp/eclntserver/styles

Best regards
As a workaround, I removed the policy, then the URL is accepted and works in spite of the double slash.

best regards
Thanks a lot, Björn
Hi everyone,

our security filter chain rejects the preview URL of the EclntEditor because it contains a double slash.
see attachement.

(SpringBoot app, CC version 20221005)

Is this a known error?

Best regards

we checked the dependencies of eclntjsfserver.jar and found some security issues, where the dependencies are not up-to-date.

See attached screen shot of report.

The complete report could not be uploaded, if you need it please tell me. Then I mail it.

Best regards
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