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Messages posted by: krinninger  XML
Profile for krinninger -> Messages posted by krinninger [567] Go to Page: 1, 2, 3  ...  36, 37, 38 Next 
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is it possible to add a new row to grid by tabbing from last column of last row to a new to be created row?

kind regards,
works fine. Thank you.

i just tested with version 20150907, but still first input after leading * is ignored.

kind regards,

is this fix included in 20150824 update?

kind regards,

a developer reported following issue:

a user can move slider handle by arrow keys on keyboard but value of slider is not changing nor triggering roundtrip even when flush=true.

kind regards,

if a password starts with a '*' (Asterisk) character this value is ignored by client.

kind regards,
ok thats wired, but reproduceable.
It seems that NumberFormat#format(long) uses a different character (char 160 = non-breaking space) for space as written java code (char 32 = space).

when running this code, last output is 0/10 but when replacing
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(svedenString); by
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(franceString);
output is 0/2.

 		NumberFormat franceFormat = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance( Locale.FRANCE);
 		String franceString = franceFormat.format(10000000l);
 		String svedenString = "10 000 000";
 		System.out.println((int) franceString.charAt(2)); 
 		System.out.println((int) svedenString.charAt(2));
 		String regex = "[ 0123456789.,'%\\-]+";
 		Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
         Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(svedenString);
         if (matcher.find())
             int startIndex = matcher.start();
             int endIndex = matcher.end();
             System.out.println(startIndex + "/" + endIndex);

kind regards,

just figured out an issue when NumberFormat is svedisch or france in BigInteger fields.
The regex matching which is used in FieldValueManager#processSpecialChecksForNumbers does not work
properly when spaces (" ") are in field.

 NumberFormat sveden = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance( new Locale("sv_SE"));
 		String svedenString = franceFormat.format(10000000l);
 //svedenString = 10 000 000
 		String regex = "[ 0123456789.,'%\\-]+";
 		Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
         Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(svedenString);
         boolean match;
         if (matcher.find())
             int startIndex = matcher.start();
             int endIndex = matcher.end();
             if (startIndex == 0 && endIndex == svedenString.length())
             	match = true;
         match = false;
 //match = false

best regards,

since the Tomcat AJP connector does not support CometProcessor (nor WebSockets) we are facing some issues in our load balancing scenarios which is based on tomcats AJP connector.
The CometProcessor is used for LongPollingServletComet in CaptainCasa.

Servlet3.0 specifications introduced the async servlets which would also support a solution for the server push scenario.
What do you think about a switch from CometProcessor to an async servlet for this scenario?

This would (hopefully) solve the AJP issue and would also be a tomcat independent solution.

best regards,


would it be (easily) possible to access enums as string representation when accessing them by expression language?

e.g. Java Code
 Map<EnumKey,LabelObject> map;

 <t:label text="#{d.[...].map.EnumKey.germanLabel}">

kind regards,
this happens on my machine but also colleagues and customers are affected.
we are investigating this issue right now, but have no final clue yet.

currently we face an issue with java 8 update 40 which was released yesterday.
When client is startet with webstart in conjunction with this version it unexpectly quits without any error message.
In is not quite obvious in which state this happens. Sometimes it happens during start, sometimes not until after a few minutes.

This not just happens with our application but also with e.g. this demo application

does anybody else also having trouble with this java version?

kind regards,
Hello Tobias,

we have written our own print-controls because we had a lot of such weired printing requirements. We solved such an issue by matching printer names directly to users, because with Java you just get a PrintService-Array when looking up printers. There you do only have limited access to informations about the printer.

But you can access Win32PrintService by reflection. There the method getPort() is available which gives you a hint if printer is whether local or not.
It is also possible to register an own PrinterLookupService, with a more "native" implementation, but we have never tried to, so we do not have any experience to share.

If Björn is interested, we can hand over our printer controlset to captaincasa community.

kind regards,
no problem just keep in mind, for some other cases, we would like also to disable formatting. e.g. for technical fields defining port numbers etc.
(by now we have to go through string fields which is also not perfect).

kind regards,
Unfortunately its a realistic use case for a very limited set of scenarios.
Would it be possible to do no Java-Formatter logic when value is to big?
Or even better, let FORMATTEDFIELD decide by attribute if formatting should be applied or not.

kind regards,
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