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Messages posted by: roesch  XML
Profile for roesch -> Messages posted by roesch [9]
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I don't understand the last phrase: "This information then is available when the user selects an item, or if you iterate through all items."

There is no item selected. Should all items selected? I don't know the word iterate.
At the moment i write a managementprogram. In the entrancemask there must be made some informations. After this you could search for entries (filter). The results are listed in a FixgridList. If you click double on an entry, it opens all details about. This data i export in a Jasper Report.
The overview (the FixgridList) should be exported in an excel sheet with all details, but there are only 5 details in the overview. How can i get all details in every row (in excel)?

In every row should be one data set. In the columns should be the details. In my matter there are over 40 details/columns.

 public void onExcelListe(ActionEvent event) {
       HSSFWorkbook arbeitsmappe = new HSSFWorkbook();
       HSSFSheet datenblatt = arbeitsmappe.createSheet("Schadensverwaltung");
       HSSFRow ueberschrift1 = datenblatt.createRow(0);
       HSSFCell ueberschriftA = ueberschrift1.createCell( (short) 0);      ueberschriftA.setCellValue("Sachbearbeiter");
       for (int i = 0; i < schadenListe.getRows().size(); i++) {
          HSSFRow inhalt = datenblatt.createRow(i+1);
          HSSFCell inhaltA = inhalt.createCell( (short) 0);      inhaltA.setCellValue(?????);

The question is, how can i get all details above the FixgridList? The site in which all details are displayed, is a separate class. I can't write so:
because there is nothing marked. I hope it is understandable what i mean.
Is there no chance to change this?
that's what i mean:
First: The meeting yesterday was great. I work with cc not so long, but i learned something about it.

My problem: Can the tab function in a textarea disabled? So when i press the tab key, the cursor goes to the next textarea beside the first?

I tried it with textfield with height und width, but the cursor is vertical in the middle, not on top.
OK, thanks!
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 <f:subview id="gcc_schaden_listeg_72">
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Ok, here is a screenshot. I mean the column "Kunde". How you can see, the rows have all the same height, this is correct. But the first row, where "Kunde" is (e.g.), should have a lower height.
I have a problem with the fixgrid. I want to output two values among one another in a row. So i enlarged the height of the row - ok, it works. The headline with the column description has still the same height. But the description is only one word. How can i change the height of this row?
Profile for roesch -> Messages posted by roesch [9]
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