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Messages posted by: rchiluano  XML
Profile for rchiluano -> Messages posted by rchiluano [79] Go to Page: Previous  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Next 
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Hi captain,

I got a problem with the clock component.
I am using time as clockFormat. Now the problem is, the time starts at zero instead of displaying the local date on my pc.

I am only using 2 properties which are clockfromat = timeLong; and size = 30;

Hi captain,

How do we set the duration of first and second refresh differently?

Like the first and second refresh must be the same duration with 500
then the rest will be 5000 duration.

Is it possible?

Hi captain, is there a way we can add a fix background image in body or in a certain pane?

Hi captain,
I tried this one already but there's no response. There is no error printed in the console as well.

 public MainUI()
 		}catch(Throwable th){

I check eclnthotdeploy and MainUI existed in there as well.
There you go, thanks Captian.
Error says :
java.lang.Error: Problem occurred when resolving the class for binding key: classname.

What does this mean ?
Hi captain.

It's 1 and here is the logs.

Hi captain, I'm in a middle of developing right now.
But suddenly, I encounter a problem which all of the components in captain casa wont read my code.

I tried creating another jsp and a class on the same project, but the problem still exist.

I tried creating another project but it's working good.

This happens after the update of my windows this morning. Is this a bug?

Please help.

Hi captain!

In regards of this question, I want it to slide it from server side.

I managed to make it autoslide but the animation is no longer working.

Is it possible to make it auto slide while animation is still working?


I found a solution for this by using capture animator.

But I want to remove the arrow on both sides, is it possible?

If not, is there any alternative way to do this?
Thanks captain.

alternative way:
rowdynamic pane.
or how can I directly run this on cc?

public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException {

code = req.getParameter("code");
if (code == null || code.equals("")) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"ERROR: Distadn't get code parameter in callback.");
FBConnection fbConnection = new FBConnection();
String accessToken = fbConnection.getAccessToken(code);

FBGraph fbGraph = new FBGraph(accessToken);
String graph = fbGraph.getFBGraph();
Map<String, String> fbProfileData = fbGraph.getGraphData(graph);
ServletOutputStream out = res.getOutputStream();
out.println("<div>Welcome "+fbProfileData.get("first_name"));
out.println("<div>Your Email: "+fbProfileData.get("email"));

tubag captain thanks in advance
Hi captain!

I have a button that will open a new tab and go to facebook login page.

public void goTofbPage(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent event){
FBConnection fbConnection = new FBConnection();

If user logged on successfully, it will redirect to my page together with the user's data.

In order to get the accessToken from the user I used HttpServlet.

But how am I able to call this HttpServlet?

or how do I run this servlet??

I tried calling it from jsp <form> but it seems does not work for me.

here's my code:

public class MainMenu extends HttpServlet{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String code="";

public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException {

code = req.getParameter("code");
if (code == null || code.equals("")) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"ERROR: Distadn't get code parameter in callback.");
FBConnection fbConnection = new FBConnection();
String accessToken = fbConnection.getAccessToken(code);

FBGraph fbGraph = new FBGraph(accessToken);
String graph = fbGraph.getFBGraph();
Map<String, String> fbProfileData = fbGraph.getGraphData(graph);
ServletOutputStream out = res.getOutputStream();
out.println("<div>Welcome "+fbProfileData.get("first_name"));
out.println("<div>Your Email: "+fbProfileData.get("email"));

I already added it to web.xml too.


Please advise!
Thanks captain!
one more thing, Is there a way to close that separated window (ShowURL) by calling something?
Hi captain,

I used JSHOWURL, and yes I defined the url and also the target.

I want to get the get the next url when client click another link from that window. Is this possible?

regards, ryan
Hi captain, is there a way to get the next URL in a browser?

I am using showURL but I'm not sure how to get the next URL in the browser.
first link will go to fb and if successfull it will transfer to another link.

here's my code.

String m_browserUrl = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?type=user_agent&client_id="+appId+"&redirect_uri="+domain+"&scope=ads_management, ads_read email, pages_manage_cta, pages_show_list";

public void onRedirectUrl(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent event) {

regards, Ryan
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