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Messages posted by: CaptainCasa  XML
Profile for CaptainCasa -> Messages posted by CaptainCasa [5545] Go to Page: 1, 2, 3  ...  368, 369, 370 Next 
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You may access the central dispatcher by the static method Dispatcher.findSessionTopWorkpageDispatcher() - but this is the central one, not the one that is associated with a dialog being opened inside the workplace!

Extend your class CustomerExportPDFUI from WorkpageDispatchedPageBean, then you have to implement a constructor in which the right context is passed. The constructor is automatically used if this is the outest one (the one that is addressed when starting the dialog in the wrokplace). If its an inner object then you have to pass the dispatcher on your own.

Kind regards! Björn
(From mail conversation, responded via forum)

We have some weird issue with the WorkpageDefaultLifecycleListener that is meant to remove the buffered content via BufferedContentMgr.
I cannot reproduce locally but the creation of this WorkpageDefaultLifecycleListener throws a null pointer in the production environment.

Stack trace attached.
...is available in the download area.

Details about changes: http://www.captaincasa.com/docu/eclnt_changelog
...please find attached the updated project...
...is available in the download area.

Details about changes: http://www.captaincasa.com/docu/eclnt_changelog
We are providing four one hour training sessions next weeek.

Mo/Tu/We/Th - each day at 16:00h, duration 1 hour.

Please contact us in case of interest - then you will receive the details and the Zoom login information.

Kind regards! Björn

We just are holding 4 one hour training sessions for learning the "CaptainCasa basics".

The sessions are recorded. Please follow the "News" section at the start of https://www.CaptainCasa.com - here you can find the recorded videos.

In the attachments of this post you can find the project to see the Java-source and the layouts that were developed during the session.
Thanks to all having come to Heidelberg/Schwetzingen for joining the XVIII. Community Meeting.

It was an inspiring and motivating event for us! ;-) And it was just nice to directly meet you!

Here you find the slides - even though most issues were demonstrated directly: https://captaincasa.com/pdf/20240613_CommunityMeetingXVIII.pdf

Kind regards! Björn
...is available in the download area.

Details about changes: http://www.captaincasa.com/docu/eclnt_changelog
...is available in the download area.

Details about changes: http://www.captaincasa.com/docu/eclnt_changelog
...is available in the download area.

Details about changes: http://www.captaincasa.com/docu/eclnt_changelog

you can place any additional JavaScript code, view first chatper of:


But to be honest: I do not believe that what is described in the article you mention is working for Single Page Application type of pages: as far as I see, the navigation is executed, but on the same page again: this means the current page should be reloaded... Anyway you may give a try: if you are successful, then we immediately copy from what you do! ;-)

KInd regards! Björn

PS: for interested readers: the common way to avoid unwanted back-navigation is to set CONFIRMEXIT to "true": then the default browser window shows up and the user has to confirm he/she wants to leave the application.

and PPS: another way it to start the dialog as progressive web application, then it runs in an own windows without the browser "surroundings"
...sorry, the previous message did not respond fully to your question. You are right (just check the code): the ccimagesize request is still fired. - If possible: use the naming convention then I guarantee for not firing any request...

Kind regards! Björn
...in the image the HEIGHT and the WIDTH are the space that is occupied by the image. How the image is rendered into this HEIGHT and WIDTH is defined by additional parameters:

KEEPRATIO=true now says, that the ratio of the image is kept during resizing
KEEPRATIOFITMODE=contain/cover defines how the image is "pressed" into the given HEIGHT/WIDTH, "contain" shows full image and shows remaining space as consequence, "cover" fills the region but cuts parts of the image.

Kind regards! Björn

one way is to explicitly set IMAGEHEIGHT and IMAGEWIDTH in the IMAGE or ICON/BUTTON/...

Another one is to help the client with "proper" naming of images. If they end with "xxx_<width>x<height>.ext" e.g. "cancel_16x16.svg" then the client takes this as width/height and does not recalculate.

Kind regards! Björn
Profile for CaptainCasa -> Messages posted by CaptainCasa [5545] Go to Page: 1, 2, 3  ...  368, 369, 370 Next 
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