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BrowserControl : Problems showing EC Html Pages  XML
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Joined: 28/11/2007 18:16:59
Messages: 20

hi there,

using the browsercontrol within rich pages to show plain EC Html pages
i am running into some problems :

I use a rich page with browsercontrol - when i switch the url to a EC HTML - Page directly, everything works fine (e.g. url = "http://myserver:myport/myproject/faces/plain.jsp") - the page is shown completeley and also values from depending Beans are shown.

problems occur , when i navigate between EC HTML Pages and project - independent pages, e.g. a plain html like
<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;url=http://myserver:myport/myproject/faces/plain.jsp"</head></html>

-> i use this html page as minimal test for the effect : when a EC - Html Page gets called from a other webproject within the browsercomponent, the AdapterBeans arent reachable, it seems.

-> effect : the plain.jsp gets shown, but no interaction with the controls is possible (fields/buttons arent enabled...)

any idea, why this happens? i need this constellation of EC and NONEC Pages to interact with a third party application....

thnx in advance!


Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5535

I do not understand what you are doing, sorry.

You have a BROWSER component.

(1) you load it with the EC-"....plain.jsp" page => OK!
(2) you load it with a normal page "normal.html" => OK
(3) you load it with...??? not OK???

Please exactly show what URL is loaded in whcih sequence... thanks!


Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH


Joined: 28/11/2007 18:16:59
Messages: 20


thnx for your reply - excuse my confusing description ;-)

The involved Pages :

1. RichPage with BrowserControl
2. "normal" non EC Page "normal.html"
3. EC HtmlPage thin.jsp

The Problem only occurs, when the BrowserControl points to the normal.html (e.g. http://myserver:myport/myproject/normal.html
and when i navigate from that page (within the browsercontrol) to the thin.jsp (e.g. http://myserver:myport/myproject/faces/thin.jsp).

-> in this special case, the thin.jsp gets shown within the browsercomponent, but the fields/buttons arent enabled.

-> i couldnt find warnings/errors in the cc - logs

thnx in advance!


Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5535

...thanks for this clarification!
Last question: what is "i navigate"?
Is it a link on "normal.html" to "faces/thin.jsp"?

If so, then I might begin to understand: your expectation may be that the surrounding "RichPage" and the included "thin.jsp" are accessing the same objects, so that the outer "RichPage" prepares data for the inner one.

In this case: this is not true. The inner thin.jsp runs in a session on its own.

...if this is the right direction, pls tell me, then we discuss next step: how to intergate the inner session into the outer. But first check...


Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH


Joined: 28/11/2007 18:16:59
Messages: 20


little excursion regarding the purpose og this constellation :

I'd like to integrate PayPal into my webapp, due to the soap api, there are no problems exchanging data between my app and the paypal server...

Unfortunately there is no possibility to avoid, that the user gets to the paypal - page, logs in, confirms the transaction within paypal and returns to the SourceApplication.

I integrated it the following way :

1. SoapCall to PayPal with the Transactiondata
2. Calling PayPal Url with URL - Tokens from Soap Response (within Browser Component)
3. Paypal wants a returnURL for navigating back to the calling application
(this is my thin.jsp)
4. Within the thin.jsp there would be a button to conclusively confirm the payment ( new Soap Call

This works fine as far, aside from the fact, that the thin.jsp gets shown, even shows data from the adapterbean, but cant be "edited" in any way.

-> in this special case, i dont even have to work within the same session (Bean of the RichPage containing the Browser does not have to run within the same session as the Bean of the thin.jsp....)

For testing purposes, i simulated the Navigation from paypal to my thin.jsp
by using a plain html file, that automatically redirects to my thin.jsp....

-> ><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;url=http://myserver:myport/myproject/faces/plain.jsp


Joined: 28/11/2007 18:16:59
Messages: 20


after taking a closer look i must admit, that the specified behaviour of the browsercontrol was a bug in my code (unfortunately in my project as well as in the testproject...).

sorry and thnx for the support!

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