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Hi Björn,
thank you for your quick response.
No problem, we can implement such a servlet.
The ¡Hola mundo! in casabac was nice and useful.
Kind regards and have a nice weekend,
has CaptainCasa any "PingServlet" which just says "Hello"?
Our load balancer needs an URL to check if the application server is still alive, up and running.
It is similar to the "SELECT 1 FROM DUAL" request to check if the connection to the Oracle database server is ok.
The call should be cheap with respect to server resources.
Kind regards,
Firefox V 24.0 is partly fixed:
Now it is at least possible to start another browser instance (second firefox window).
But all other tabs in the first firefox window remain unreachable.
The opened dialog seems to be modal for the whole firefox window, not only for the current tab.
Kind regards,
Hi Björn,
thank you for your helpful hints.
Apache Web Server is now running as load balancer on my box.
Basically I added in httpd.conf the following lines:
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
ProxyPass /act3_explorer <a href="balancer://credManCluster" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">balancer://credManCluster</a> nofailover=On stickysession=jsessionid
<Proxy <a href="balancer://credManCluster>" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">balancer://credManCluster></a>
BalancerMember <a href="http://host1/act3_explorer" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://host1/act3_explorer</a> route=tc1
BalancerMember <a href="http://host2/act3_explorer" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://host2/act3_explorer</a> route=tc2
BalancerMember <a href="http://host3/act3_explorer" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://host3/act3_explorer</a> route=tc3
In the server.xml files of the three tomcats on host1..3 I had to add
- the attributes proxyName and proxyPort to the Connector element and
- the attribute jvmRoute to the Engine element.
Now it is time to separate static and dynamic content.
Is there any documentation about it?
Which files are needed on the tomcats, which may be moved to the web server,
which patterns can I use to separate the processing of static and dynamic content in httpd.conf?
Kind regards,
if I use our CaptainCasa application as applet in Firefox 23.0.1 and open a modal popup,
then I can't switch to other tabs in the same browser window.
If I start another instance of Firefox, then it doesn't respond until I close the popup in the first Firefox.
I have tested this with Firefox 23.0.1 on Windows 8 and on Windows XP.
Also with Internet Explorer there seems to be similar problems.
Any ideas?
Kind regards,
First I tried the first sample of
But this did not work:
The requests of a single client were routed alternately to the two tomcats behind the HTTP server.
It seems that Cookies are not supported by CaptainCasa (neither by jnlp nor by applet clients).
Therefore the web server had no chance to route the requests to their already running sessions.
Is there a chance to activate cookie handling in CaptainCasa?
Is there a chance to balance HTTP requests as shown by the example above?
If AJP is required to get CaptainCasa working, is it also required to separate static and dynamic content?
Should I use mod_proxy or mod_jk?
Is there a description of all steps needed to get CaptainCasa applications working with mod_proxy or mod_jk?
Kind regards,
Muchas gracias!
Hi Björn,
the header fields of the response do not contain some info how the response is encoded. Therefore jMeter does not analyze the response. If I smuggle the following header into the response, jMeter shows and analyzes the response:
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Is it possible to add this kind of header by default to the autocompletion responses?
Best regards,
I assume you mean the large number in .../jsp/AC_1354621995534_38.ccautocomplete...
This number is no problem.
We capture this number from the response before.
We find the number in in the valuesurl attribute of the autocomplete element in the previous response.
With this url we call the server - which builds the proposals correctly, as we detected while debugging. But the result is not received by the client.
At least jMeter displays an empty response body...
Best regards,
Hi Björn,
debugging the test shows that AutoCompleteServlet.doGet() is called correctly and the Writer of the response object is called repeatedly with the correct results. The doGet() call returns normally, i.e. without exception.
Do you have any idea why the jMeter tool sees no response content?
Best regards,
Hi Björn,
we try to test the ccautocomplete feature with jMeter, but if we run the test, the response remain empty.
Do you have any idea?
Our request looks like e.g.
GET;jsessionid=44430A20BC6535C28F3321A6DCC3831D?SEARCHSTRING=F HTTP/1.1
We have extracted the "AC_1354621995534_38" from the prior response.
Also the jsessionid is extracted and inserted dynamically.
Do you have any idea why the response of this request remains empty on test runs?
Best regards,
Hi Björn,
thanks for checking and fixing.
The fix is not urgent.
We found the problem during monkey testing.
Have a nice weekend...
Hi Björn,
if I use a <t:formattedfield format="long" ... /> and if I enter the value 9.223.372.036.854.775.808 or greater and if I leave the edit field, then there will be a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException in javax.el.BeanELResolver.setValue() on client side.
The value above is 2^63 which is java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE + 1.
Is there any chance to solve this problem?
Kind regards,
Hi Captain,
since some day we noticed hundreds of lines like the following in the Java console:
2012:01:13 16:42:50:082 | 10 | INFO | Initializing client parameters ..........>main
+++++ 100
+++++ 100
+++++ 25
+++++ 25
+++++ 119
+++++ 119
+++++ 100
+++++ 100
+++++ 25
+++++ 25
+++++ 119
+++++ 119
+++++ 100
+++++ 100
+++++ 100
+++++ 100
+++++ 25
+++++ 25
+++++ 119
+++++ 119
+++++ 25
What do they mean?
Is there a chance to disable these loggings?
Best regards,