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Messages posted by: rheinrichs  XML
Profile for rheinrichs -> Messages posted by rheinrichs [209] Go to Page: 1, 2, 3  ...  12, 13, 14 Next 
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Hi all,

I'm working for a project that is continually being expanded over 10 years.
The "hot deployment" was always a pain point.
It works for a while, until someone move classes or miss to update config.
While debugging with IntelliJ a hot replace works only for existing methods. For new methods a restart of Tomcat was needed.

Since a week I update the startup script with the JetBrain VM like documented here:

*Very nice*

It works “out of the box” with existing projects. It took about an hour and the project is now hot replacement able! (with new methods, update existing source, etc.)
In the first step I miss to create the config “hotswap-agent.properties”. That won’t work!
After successful update the tomcat config step-by-step (like docu) everything is running fine now.

Curious? Check yourself – it works!

I use a HTML tooltip for multiline information.

On a t:label the attribute "cutwidth==true" is set. In case that the content for lable is too long, a duplicate tooltip appears. (HTML / original tooltip)

Is there a workaround for this?


I use a scalepane to display HTML within application.

1. The scrollbar is resized, too. This might make it unable to get, if the sizing is to smal
2. When taking the scrollbar and moving (here to the right) it scroll slower then the mouse is moved. (scroll depending on scaling)

Is there a workaround or fix possible?


for uploading files I used:
DefaultUploadContent#passClientFile(String fileName, byte[] bytes)

Since an update, the filename with " " (spaces) the name is not encoded right.
e.g. upload:
- "Hello World.doc" --> "Hello%20World.doc"

Should the name still be encoded by framework?
(or should I change this by URLDecoder.decode(name, "UTF-8")

Kind regards

Within a combobox existing items can be preselect by typing letters.
This don't work for preselection with letter "@".

Might this be supported as well?

Kind regards

for YesNoPopup the default button caption is "Neen".
This is "old-fashioned" Dutch.
Can we get an update to "Nee"?

(Neen -> Nee)

Kind regards
Sorry, it was describe confused.

For the table it works already fine - but I need this for the "title-line". Here it seems to be unsupported.

kind regards

I use the ARRAYGRIDListBinding for dynamic table sizing.
The grid support like this:
m_gridOxidmatrix.setTitles(new String[0]);
m_gridOxidmatrix.setWidths(new String[0]);
m_gridOxidmatrix.setAligns(new String[0]);
m_gridOxidmatrix.setFormats(new String[0]);
m_gridOxidmatrix.setFormatmasks(new String[0]);

What I would like to do is to set the "coloring" as well.
Is it possible to get a funktion like this:
m_gridOxidmatrix.setForground(new String[0]);
m_gridOxidmatrix.setBackgrounds(new String[0]);

Kind regards

please check your IDE / development environment.
I just updated and get this:
* The page already was shown in content area, but the user re-selected
* the page (e.g. by pressing a second time onto the workpage-selector.
public void reactOnReselectedInContentArea();

kind regards
...thanks - I'll test it!

By now I need a fullscreen feature for RISC implementation.

For Java-Script this seems to be possible like this:

I tried a bit and this would work for several browsers.
Would it be possible to get this working as CC-Framework component?

Kind regards
Yes, perfect - thx

I found there is a additional parameter was needed within JSON.

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