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Messages posted by: hikuna  XML
Profile for hikuna -> Messages posted by hikuna [11]
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Just what I was looking for and only some mouseclicks away...

I've tested it (like it's in the demo workplace) and will use it.

Thanks for your help and Best Regards, hikuna

in my application I have one JRPrinter and two JasperReports to print (one after the other). It works when I set a timer (5 sec) and change the value for the property XML then to the content of the second file. But that's not very safe or userfriendly ...

Now my question:

Is there a way in CaptainCasa to get an info when exactly I'm allowed to change the value in the property XML?

Thank you in advance & Best Regards,
Thanks for your answer. I will test it some more when I've got the time, right now I used the common way to get it to work (I'll send you feedback when I do).



I'd like to know if the PageBrowser supports the SYSTEMMENUITEM-Components. If not, it's no problem, we'll just use the old fashioned way to copy & paste .

Right now we have an application with the popupmenu (like in the DemoWorkplace) in the Jsp and it works fine on normal access, but when I open it with the PageBrowser it stops working. I couldn't find much information / explanation about how SYSTEMMENUITEM-Components work.

Thank you & Regards,

next update is okay.

Thank you for solving this so fast.

My jsp looks like this:

<t:pdfrenderer id="g_34" height="100%" pdf="#{d.PruefZeugnisChangeBean.pzpdf}" width="100%" />

and I've tried


how do I set the PDFRenderer back to it's initial state, where it shows the text No page selected ?

I've got a folder with pdf-files, select one and display it on the screen and the user has the possibility to delete this file and the display should go back to default mode.
I've tried to set the variable linked to the property pdf to null and to an empty string, but that doesn't seem to work (and there's no flush property).

Thanks in advance.
sure. Here is one method of four (the others are very similar to this one):

 public void onSetKundeHelpVisibleReportParameter(ActionEvent event) {
  BaseActionEvent bae = (BaseActionEvent)event;
  if (bae.getCommand().equals BaseActionEvent.EVTYPE_COMBOFIELD_VALUEHELP)) {
  adresshelpitem_execute = ADRESSHELPITEM_EXECUTE_KUNDE;
  if (bindingPopupAdresse != null) bindingPopupAdresse.getItems().clear();
  for (int i = 0; i < kundeHelpItems.size(); i++) {
 	if ((kundeHelpItems.get(i).getKdnr() == null) ||   
                (kundeHelpItems.get(i).getName() == null)) continue;
 	if (reportParameter.getKunde() == null 		
                 || kundeHelpItems.get(i).getKdnr().toUpperCase().contains 
 	|| kundeHelpItems.get(i).getName().toUpperCase().contains
                  (reportParameter.getKunde().toUpperCase())) {
                 bindingPopupAdresse.getItems().add( kundeHelpItems.get(i) );
 	if (bindingPopupAdresse != null &&  
                  bindingPopupAdresse.getItems().size() == 0) return;
 	if (modelessPopupAdresse == null) {
 	modelessPopupAdresse = getWorkpage().createModelessPopupInWorkpageContext();
 	IModelessPopupListener mpl = new IModelessPopupListener() {
 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
 	public void reactOnPopupClosedByUser() {
 						modelessPopupAdresse = null;
 	modelessPopupAdresse.open("/gcc/schaden/adrpopup.jsp", "", 500, 350, mpl);

At the moment it isn't possible to expand the last column of a grid with more columns than visible on the screen. On the other hand the size of the column can be reduced.
Is there a solution that allows us to resize the last column in both directions?

Thanks in advance.

After trying out your first patch it works more often, but still not 100%.
Can you check it once more?


We've got several ComboFields on one modal popup, but we use pages with FIXGRID-Components instead of IdAttributesSelection (because we use them on more than one occasion). The FIXGRIDItems implements onRowSelect() and onRowExecute(). Now I've commentated the method onRowSelect().

Usually when I open the popup the first time it opens and closes (on double click) normally. After that it's kind of random: sometimes like expected, but sometimes it closes when I click on it once and doesn't write the selected value in the field. When I restart the application, it's possible that the same ComboFields behave as implemented and ComboFields that worked before don't work anymore.

Do you need any further information?

Thank you in advance.

Profile for hikuna -> Messages posted by hikuna [11]
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