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Messages posted by: hoell  XML
Profile for hoell -> Messages posted by hoell [4]
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Thanks - now we can see the nice demo applet and everything works fine on our PC's
Thank you for this great feature step/preview.
We have not only usecases for business clients, but also some scenarios (e.g. mobile devices, online web tracking/tracing, administration or monitoring pages, ...) where a pure HTML-page is required.
The possibility to have uch pure HTML-pages will it make definitively easy for us to switch our framework to CaptainCasa.
Many thank's to Sun!!
This will help us to let grow our community and boost the acceptance of enterprise clients in the enterprises.
We are on the right way
If I try to open the captainCasa demos as applet, I get the following stack trace.
The cause are the restrictions in our network, these restrictions are quite common in company networks: Internet Access is done via Proxy Systems like MS ISA Server or SQUID.
To access the server, the captain casa client should either use the proxy settings of the actual default browser (e.g. internet explorer) or alternatively should have some local configuration dialog to configure proxy settings (Proxy Server & Port, Username, Domain, Password, Protocol NTLM, basic...)

java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 502 for URL: http://www.casabacdemo.com:-1/ccdemos/faces/workplace/workplace.jsp
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)
at org.eclnt.client.comm.http.DataTransfer.transferXML(DataTransfer.java:264)
at org.eclnt.client.comm.http.DataTransfer.communicateToServerSynchronous(DataTransfer.java:114)
at org.eclnt.client.page.Page.loadPageFromServer(Page.java:32
at org.eclnt.client.page.Page.<init>(Page.java:167)
at org.eclnt.client.page.PageContainer.<init>(PageContainer.java:59)
at org.eclnt.client.page.PageBrowser.<init>(PageBrowser.java:490)
at org.eclnt.client.page.PageApplet.initGUI(PageApplet.java:164)
at org.eclnt.client.page.PageApplet.start(PageApplet.java:51)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Profile for hoell -> Messages posted by hoell [4]
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