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Hello community,
I'm started with the Android version of CaptainCasa.
There is a component called:touchsignature
This is workin fine within the Editor Toolset
But trying to use this at the tablet is not working very well.
Drawing is just in horizontal way possible.
If I will write a real signature the drawing stops.
My tablet is an Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 - Android OS 4
Thanks a lot in advance
seems to be a general problem of my tab.
Which has currently problems with all new APP's.
Also coming from Google Play.
I will inform you asap.
Greetings Patrick
Dear all,
I tried to test the Android apk which is a default of the CC delivery (Resource folder).
I just sent it via E-Mail to my Samsung Galaxy Tab with Android 3.2
Then I tried to start it directly but got the error that is was not albe to start. Like a defect in the apk-file
What is necessary to deploy the CC App ??
Thanks a lot in advance
I'm currently working with the CC - HTML components and I just need a component to show the client date and time.
I know there is such a component in the Applett-Version.
Is there a way to have this function also in the HTML renderer?
I tried it with different XML files.
E.g. this one:
<%@page contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@taglib prefix="f" uri=""%>
<%@taglib prefix="h" uri=""%>
<%@taglib prefix="t" uri="/WEB-INF/eclnt"%>
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'>
<link id="mystyle" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="eclntjsfserver/htstyle/htstyle.css">
function isIE() { if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") return false; else return true; }
var m_hotkeycallbacks = new Array();
function ccHotkey(pEvent)
for (var i=0; i<m_hotkeycallbacks.length; i++)
function ccDisableEnterKey(e)
if(e.keyCode == 13) return false;
else return true;
<body class="classbody" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0" style="overflow:hidden" onkeyup="ccHotkey(event)">
<script>if (isIE() == false) document.write("<div style='height:100%;width:100%;overflow:auto'>");</script>
<!-- ========== CONTENT BEGIN ========== -->
<f:subview id="thintestg_sv">
<t:htpageaddons1 id="g_pa1"/>
<t:htrowdistance id="g_2" height="5" />
<t:htrow id="g_3" >
<t:htcoldistance id="g_4" width="10" />
<t:htimage id="g_5" height="10" image="images/Kaba.gif" />
<t:htcoldistance id="g_6" width="30" />
<t:htlabel id="g_7" style="font-size: 16px" text="Weberfassung" />
<t:htrowdistance id="g_8" height="15" />
<t:htrow id="g_9" >
<t:htcoldistance id="g_10" width="10" />
<t:htlabel id="g_11" style="font-size: 10px" text="Rückmeldenummer:" />
<t:htcoldistance id="g_12" width="10" />
<t:htfield id="g_13" style="font-size: 10px" text="#{d.CollectiveorderUI.selPojo.conf_no}" width="100" />
<t:htrowdistance id="g_14" height="5" />
<t:htrow id="g_15" >
<t:htcoldistance id="g_16" width="10" />
<t:htlabel id="g_17" style="font-size: 10px" text="Rückmeldenummer:" />
<t:htcoldistance id="g_18" width="10" />
<t:htcombobox id="g_19" style="font-size: 10px" value="#{d.CollectiveorderUI.selPojo.conf_no}" width="100" >
<t:htcomboboxitem id="g_20" text="0000000626" />
<t:htcomboboxitem id="g_21" text="0000002112" />
<t:htrowdistance id="g_22" height="10" />
<t:htrow id="g_23" >
<t:htcoldistance id="g_24" width="10" />
<t:htlabel id="g_25" style="color:#FF0000;font-size: 10px" text="#{}" />
<t:htrowdistance id="g_26" height="20" />
<t:htrow id="g_27" >
<t:htcoldistance id="g_28" width="5" />
<t:htbutton id="g_29" actionListener="#{d.CollectiveorderUI.onStartOperation}" image="images/buttons/InEnabledR16.png" style="font-size: 20px" text="Start" />
<t:htcoldistance id="g_30" width="10" />
<t:htbutton id="g_31" actionListener="#{d.CollectiveorderUI.onEndOperation}" image="images/buttons/OutEnabledR16.png" text="Ende" />
<t:htpageaddons2 id="g_pa2"/>
<!-- ========== CONTENT END ========== -->
<script>if (isIE() == false) document.write("</div>");</script>
Hello together,
how can I change the size of the text inside a htButton?
I only know about style: font-size:24pt
But that is not running.
Size of the text is always the same.
now I have the solution.
I'm just using the htTextarea component
with the style option: overflow:hidden
Hello together,
I have just one problem with the htlabel (Label in HTML Renderer)
I am using an grid controle. In each GridCol I'm using the htlabel controle.
I also need to have a fix length of the whole Grid.
(Because it is a mobile device)
The headline of the column is ok. Word wrap is fine.
But the htlabel inside the column will not do a word wrap and so the line will get longer and longer.
Does anybody know how to manage this?
Attached an example...
Word wrap in headline of column 4,5
Word Wrap missing in the htline of the last column
ok that's working.
Thanks a lot
Hello everybody,
once again a thin client question:
How is it possible to change the background image of the HTML rendered pages?
everything is fine now.
Was a problem with my update from CaptainCasa Version 2.5 to 3.0.
Thanks a lot for you quick support.
greetings Patrick
By the way: It's also fine with Firefox now.
I tested it with
CC Internal Browser (in CC development-editor)
Google Chrome
InternetExplorer 8 (Version 8.0.6001...)
It never runs fine.
There is no actionEvent from the browser
Hello everybody,
has anyone experiance with the new HTTimer-component?
I currently try to use it, but I never get the ActionEvent in the backend.
actionListener: #{d.WorkplacecdUI.onGoToHomeHtml}
duration: 1000
public void onGoToHomeHtml (ActionEvent event)
TerminaldialogUI tui = (TerminaldialogUI)getOwningDispatcher().getDispatchedBean(TerminaldialogUI.class);
m_aroundPageHtml = "workplacehtml.jsp";
My problem: Nothing happens, the ActionEvent will never effect.
Is there anything special to do with this component?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Kindly regards
yes, it would be great if you can implement a HTML timer.
Thank you, very much
we have an logon page with user name and password. We generete an automatically logon with the windows user and a LDAP connection. For this we have a timer, which executes after 500 ms after the logon page is loaded. This timer executes the LDAP logon and starts the workplace afterwards.
Now we need a similar functionality with pure HTML sites.
Does anyone have an idea, how we can solve this problem?