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...and just to add: the problem should be: there is a problem in the constructor in which you access SAP, the error is not caught within the constructor so it is passed to the one calling the instance, which is the Dispatcher (as you correctly found out)...
If you catch the error in the constructor, then you directly get the error and you can handle on your own:
public PersonGridUI()
your existing code
catch (Throwable t)
Kind regards! Björn
Please check the messages in "Runtime Messages" below the preview area of the layout editor. There you should get more information.
For development purpose define the logging as follows: open Configuration > Logging in the tools. Define in the editor:
<logging level="INFO"
<loglevelmissingpropertyget level="INFO" stacktrace="true"/>
You then receive a stacktrace in the console and in the log.
Logs are in tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/<yourapp>/
Kind regards! Björn
| available in the download area.
Details about changes:
after opening the layout, the code generator is not automatically initialized.
In "normal" situations: there is a green button on the bottom right showing the name of the assigned class. After pressing the button both the bean browser and the code generator tool are properly initialized. (Screenshot "forum1".)
"normal" means:
1. the class is compiled (the Bean Browser is accessing classes by reflection - i.e. it requires the .class file)
2. there is exactly one class assigned to the page (otherwise you also get some corresponding messages in the "Layout Messages" area)
Hope this helps! ;-) - Björn
...this is the screenshot... (sent by mail)
you need to define parameter FIXGRID-PERSISTID. That's the ultra-short answer. ;-)
There are a couple of additional issues behind, which may not be of interest right now:
1. Interface IUserAccess and ITenantAccess - the persisting of the grid info is done user- and tenant-specific...
2. Interface IFixgridPersistence2 - if you want to take over storing the configuration on your own
3. Interface IStreamStore - which is used by the default persistence. This is a simple XML-Stream-Store where data is stored with a path. There is a file-implementation (activated by default) and a JDBC-implementation
Kind regards! Björn
there is no attached file... maybe because fiel size is limited to <100kBytes?
If bigger: please send by mail.
Thanks! - Björn
Hi Antonio,
somehow I currently do not get mail notifications when a new forum message is added. Sorry for the long response time...
You need to start CaptainCasa server in debug mode (the "green" one: "A_startserver_debug.bat")
In Eclipse:
1. on the top there is a "debug-icon" - a green bug
2. press on the arrow of the icon
3. from the popup menu select "Debug Configurations..."
4. Search for the top level item "Remote Java Application"
5. Right mouse click the item and select "New..."
6. Select connection type "Socket Attach", "localhost", "50010"
7. Debug!
When you are finished with debugging: select the "Detach" icon in the top menu.
Kind regards! Björn
Hi Thomas,
can reproduce, thanks for your message.
Actually there are no new items generated...! But: an additional headline is rendered. So there is no inconsistency of data, it's "just optical"... (bad enough!).
Will fix asap, expect fix to be contained in next update.
Thanks! + Regards! Björn
You may access the central dispatcher by the static method Dispatcher.findSessionTopWorkpageDispatcher() - but this is the central one, not the one that is associated with a dialog being opened inside the workplace!
Extend your class CustomerExportPDFUI from WorkpageDispatchedPageBean, then you have to implement a constructor in which the right context is passed. The constructor is automatically used if this is the outest one (the one that is addressed when starting the dialog in the wrokplace). If its an inner object then you have to pass the dispatcher on your own.
Kind regards! Björn
(From mail conversation, responded via forum)
We have some weird issue with the WorkpageDefaultLifecycleListener that is meant to remove the buffered content via BufferedContentMgr.
I cannot reproduce locally but the creation of this WorkpageDefaultLifecycleListener throws a null pointer in the production environment.
Stack trace attached.
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...please find attached the updated project...
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