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ok, it is working, when I put the changed country_CCTYPE1.xml to WEB-INF/classes/eclnt/...
Thanks for the quick info! Great that it will be in the next release (when is it planned?).
I now tried a simple test, just changed the thousandsSeparator=" " in file country_CCTYPE1.xml in the tomcat-folder: tomcat\webapps\idm-operator\eclnt\risc\i18n
This does not have any effect
Hi Captain,
I have a problem with formatted numbers. We want to show the numeric values with a separator for the thousands-blocks so I set the format=long, the formatmask is not set. Depending on the locale of the loggedin user they should be shown different:
DE: 1.234.567.890
EN: 1,234,567,890
FR: 1 234 567 890
This works fine for German and English, but in French the number is also shown with '.' as thousands-separator instead of ' '
What could be the reason there? And how can it be fixed?
Greetings from Ettlingen
I have a text like this and want to show it in a Smarttextarea:
Ein zulässiges Kennwort muss mindestens 16 und darf höchstens 64 Zeichen beinhalten. Darüber hinaus sind Zeichen aus mindestens drei der vier Kategorien "Großbuchstaben", "Kleinbuchstaben", "Ziffern" bzw. "Sonderzeichen" zu wählen. Zulässige Zeichen sind: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~.
If there is a semikolin in the text, the smarttextarea is initialized empty. If I remove the semicolon, the text is shown.
Can you make it work with semicolons in the initialisation-text?
Hi Björn,
I rebuilt our concept, now a grey overlay is rendered and a modlessPopup with a kind of wizard is opened.
There are two problems:
- I cannot give a relative size to the popup, so it fits 80% of the background workpage for example. Would that be possible?
- We must close the popup before opening the next page. Is it possible to change the page inside the popup without reopening it?
I try to set a file that name contains whitespaces as image-attribute of a component. This doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to use files with whitespaces?
Bye Antje
Is it possible, to give the splitpanes a minimum width?
In Bgpaint you can define sizes like "100%-20", that would be a great feature for the splitpane
Ooops, I only had one tabpane, with two tabpanes there is a reaction
No, that doesn`t work...
I tried everything, actionlistener on tabeddpane, on tabbedpanetab, with flush, with flusharea... I get no reaction
Is there a possibility to react on a click on a tabPane? I tried to use an ActionListener, but it does not react.
I would like to have a combination of TabPane and SplitPane to show details inside the tabpane, but shrink it to the Tabs without the content with a buttonclick. I wanted to do that with a click on tab, but it doesn`t work, because the missing reaction in ActionListener. Maybe you know another way to combine tabs and foldables?
Tab are positioned on the side, not on top, so a new property "widthifunselected" would be fine.
The text on top is more important, a align-parameter would be great
- Is there a possiblity to set the text to the top? it is easily overlooked in the bottom if the pane-height is big
- Is it possible to choose the opening direction?
Hello Björn,
if I step into a pwd-field with tab, the cursor is placed to the end of the field.
It would be more comfortable if the whole text was marked, so I can start typing directly and need not to remove my old (wrong) password.
It`s friday, and I did not really think about it, just clicked ;-)
The getValidValuesBinding-Method is really called every time, I click into the field of the combobox. But this only happend if the multiselect is true, if it`s false, it is called the first time I click into the field but not the next time.
At the link you posted, everything works fine. But the first time clicking the text is not marked any longer.
Is that the corrected version or can`t you reproduce my error?