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Messages posted by: leuchtner  XML
Profile for leuchtner -> Messages posted by leuchtner [17] Go to Page: 1, 2 Next 
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Hi Björn!

Well - only after the first call I get the correct result. If I call setContentNodes() a second time (with the same, re-builded list) I get a client side error after the server roundtrip (ArrayOutOfBoundsException)


I've got an other issue regarding the outlookbar.

I have an outlook bar with a dynamic content. I initialized the nodes with the setContentNodes() method (DYNAMICCONTENTBinding class). In the first step everything works fine. But when I try to reinitialize the nodes (second call of setContentNodes()) I always get a client side error.
As a workaround, I found out, that can check

getContentNodes() == null

and call


But this is quite much code for a simple reinitialization and is "nice" pitfall, if you aren't aware of that!
Can you provide us a more convenient way for node reinitialization?


Hi Björn!

I've tried the ccsamesession=true parameter, but this has no effect.

I did some search in google again, and it seems that this is a general problem when loading an applet. Currently I'm looking for a workarround - do you think that it would be possible to do the initial call via http and then load the applet via https? So we would avoid the first popup and only have to do the certificate selection in the popup of the applet.

Hi Björn!

For our next software release we want to implement a certificate based authentication. To do this we've set up the Tomcat SSL connector to require a client certificate. Basically this works fine but if the client holds multiple certificates for authentication, I get a popup (from Browser or Web Start). Unfortunately, after I've selected a certificate I get the same dialog a second time so that I have to select the certificate twice.
The prolem is, that there are called two URLs on startup: first the jnlp and then the jsp (by your PageApplet class, when loading the enterprise client applet).
Do you have any idea how to avoid this second certificate dialog?
I assume that the second one is a different context/session and therefore the second certificate request comes up.

Hi Björn!

I've got an other problem with popup menus: I reconized, that when I set a popup menu to disabled, the popup menu is disabled, but I can still call it via the shotcut.
I remember, that I still reported this problem some weeks ago, but I'm not sure, if you've fixed it or if it is in again or if we've just got an other problem...

can you check this for me?


Hi Björn!

With Version 20080819, the popup menus are working fine now!

Thanks for your help.


Oh, as you are talking about the id - forgot to mention something:

We also had the idea, that the id might be the problem, so we've set up a second popupmenu in the jsp and set a flag in the bean, so that in the inner class the second popup menu is used (We've set the component binding dynamically to either the first or the second popup menu). But this also didn't help. In this case perhaps the problem was, that the first popupmenu was just there, even if we didn't (want to) use it.

Well, I'm pretty sure, that we create the popup menus correctly. I walked through the code with the debugger serveral times and can't find an error. That's the reason why I posted into the form.


Hi Björn!

I've got a strange behavior of popup menus in a pop dialog box:

I have a page including a generic search bean with a popup menu. (The entries of the popup menus are set dynamically, so each new instance will hold other menu entries). Now, this page can open a popup dialog via a link.
In this popup dialog I am using a new instance of the same generic serach bean class as in the outer page. Now the problem is, that I also get the popup menus of the outer page in my popup dialog. It seems, that the second instance is created correctly and also the get()/set() methods are called correctly, but after that, the get/set methods of the instance in the outer page are called. The result is, that the inner popup menus will be overwritten with the outer menu entries.

Do you have an idea what's wrong? Is it a CaptiainCasa problem, or did we something wrong?


Hi Björn!

We are preparing a demo version of our SmartACT application for our our web site.
Now the problem is, if customers have installed a java jre < 6 on their client, the application just stops with a white screen and an "x" in the upper left corner of the browser without any further hint.
Is it possible to include a version check on startup of CaptianCasa so that customers will be prompted to update the JRE?


Hello Björn!

Im trying to use your sorting feature for Grids. The basic functionality "sorting on click on the headline" works fine.
But now I want sort my list directly after opening my list. I already found the corresponding chapter in your documentation (page 38). But I do not exactly understand how it works. Could give me a little example? What steps do I have to do exactly to sort my list?



Ok, no problem. We just decided, to exclude file upload and file download from the shortcuts.

But what about the "enabled"-problem. Will this be fixed?

... and a second question to shortcuts:

Is there a possibility to start a file download with a shortcut? All the other controls have an actionListener behind. But the filedownloadbutton only holds an url and filename as property, so I can't see at the moment, how I can trigger this via shortcut.

Hi Björn!

An other problem with shortcuts:

It seems, that the shortcut ignores the "enabled" property in the menuItem. If enabled is set to 'false', the popupmenu is readOnly, but i still can call this Item using the shortcut. At the moment I can handle this problem in the ActionListener, but I think if I disable the menuItem, the shortcut should also be disabled.

Hi Björn!

I've just tried to use the new fileupload button. As I already told you, I want to miss-use this button as an "fileupload icon". Since you said that the icon is a subset of "button" it should be possible to get the same look and feel.
I think I got it almost, what I don't know is, how to set up the shadow: If I move my mouse over an icon I get a shadow in the background. How can I set up this mouseover-shadow in my fileuplaod button ?


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