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Yes, thank you! This was a good hint.
is there any possibility to get the information about the client configuration?
In our case we need information about the orientation (LTR/RTL). Dependant on that we have to set different icons.
Thanks, Agnes
Ok sorry, I was wrong.
We also use popup menu items and I always compared these instead of the icons themselves.
Now I understand how it works and everything works fine
Sorry again, Agnes
we use several icons with hotkeys. For some icons the hotkey is displayed in the tooltip and for some not. I can't recognize any difference between the configuration of these icons.
Can you say when the hotkey is displayed in the tooltip and when not?
Thanks, Agnes
It works fine now ... thanks!
i just noticed that the client configuration window is opened on the right lower side of the screen, even if the application is running in right-to-left mode. In this case I would except to open the window on the left side.
Thank you very much!
i'm currently using the version 2_5_20091005_4 and was wondering if the described feature is already implemented.
As it seems, not yet
Is it still on your road map?
Oh yes. I haven't installed the new version, yet.
It looks good.
Thank you for the advice!
one of our customers is asking if it's possible to mark the today's date when opening the calendar component ... for better orientation.
I have a question to the PDF Document Integration.
In our application we display pdf files using the "native way", that is using your browser component.
In your documentation you write: "a plain, native browser is embedded into the Enterprise Client".
It seems you always use the IE in that case, and not the defined standard browser. Is this assumption right?
as you know our software is translated in different languages. Some of the foreign languages have very long texts (like spanish or french). We always try to build our jsp files that way that all texts are readable. But in some cases it's not possible if we don't want to have very wide screens.
Is it possible for you to display a tooltip for labels if the corresponding text does not fit (additionally to the three dots you display in that case)?
Regards, Agnes
I noticed that since very recently the text in the yesno popups is displaced (see attachment).
Formerly it was centered horizontally and not placed at the very top.
we have implemented a central exception handling where all exceptions occuring in our application are catched by the dispatcher, especially the runtime exceptions.
Now we have noticed that runtime exceptions occur in wizards, too. But these exceptions don't pass the dispatcher because the wizards are called by your wizard module and the application crashes.
Is there a possibility to handle this problem?
Regards, Agnes
Thank you for your hints. We tried both recommendations and it works very well.
One request from our side: could you please add the applet tag configuration to the developer's guide (I mean these 3 java parameters)? We couldn't find nothing about that.
Thanks, Agnes