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Passing the client parameters startwidth and startheight with the max-Value, works fine.
CaptainCasa opens full maximized.
But if a rowstatusbar is used and the user is a windows user, having the windows taskbar on the very bottom, the rowstatusbar is not visible.
So messages are hidden behind the windows taskbar.
The windows taskbar on the bottom is almost a standard on WinOS,
is there a possibility, that the startheight parameter is aware of it and in this case substracts the bar?
i can't find the dispatcherinfo.xml.
In the current documentation no hint can be found...
We will have to call an external program like freight cost calculator or a geographical system which might be installed on the desktop of the user.
Is it possible to call a local installed application besides the browser window?
If it is possible, when will it be provided?
We are missing the component "Ladebalken".
So that you can show the user the progress of a long term action/process.
Will you provide such a component?
Fensterposition soll gespeichert werden können und wiederhergestellt werden auch über mehrere Bildschirme.
Analog wie es bei den Grids der Fall ist.
Bis wann kann man damit rechnen?
Wie heißt die Property mit der man x/y Position erhält?
Wanted to add a screenshot. but not possible. see following error:
HTTP Status 500 -
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/6.0.14 logs.[code][i]
CaptainCasa demos crashes under SuseLinux/Tomcat5 und Tomcat 6
both with applet and webstart.
Otherwise Project editor works fine.
The layout of the grid heavily depends on the configuration of the system in our application.
Is there a way, to not statically define the grid in the JSP page, but to completely configure the layout at runtime, at server side?