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...updated + part of next update! Thanks! Björn
Hi Daniel,
please open up new messages for new wishes - although this shows that you first really search for existing issues, which is 200% perfect! ;-)
This sounds quite do-able, I will check if to re-use the existing component or if to introduce a new one. I will send some specification on this short term by mail.
Regards, Björn
Hi, I am just uploading a version to overcome this. Will tell you, when upload is finished. Regards, Björn
...the CaptainCasaLookAndFeel class is part of eclnt.jar - so it is in the same .jar file than the class PageBrowser etc.
Hmmm - I currently cannot tell you, why parts of the .jar file are running while other parts are not visible. We do not use any own class loader mechanism on client side, so everything is in the default class loader.
I would cleart the Java cache (Systemsteuerunt => Java) and by this enforce the re-loading of the .jar file. Could you do this and tell if problems still occur?
Regards, Björn
by default you register dirty values on the client side by calling something like:
But you can also add additional values in the following way:
Only exception: do not use appendices with ".action*" because this is how action events are transferred.
You now need to tell the server side processing that there are additional values to be passed. The most simple way is to just tell the CaptainCasa processing in the component class on server side by overriding the method "appendDecodeInformation". We do it internally e.g. with the SMARTTEXTAREA component, where in addition to the text the cursor position is transferred:
public class SMARTTEXTAREAComponent
extends BaseActionComponent
protected void appendDecodeInformation(List<DecodePassData> decodeInfos)
decodeInfos.add(new DecodePassData(".textselectioninfo","textselectioninfo"));
The first parameter of DecodePassData is the "appendix" that you add from your client side component. THe second is the tag-attribute name of the component.
Regards, Björn
..we'll check latest Tomcat release if it is usable in embedded mode. But will take some days. Hope to have answer for you till begin of next week.
Btw: what always works without any problem is to run Tomat in the same process as the client, both communicating through http ("in process http"). Of course you might require some port selection (in order to start the fat client multiple times). So, even if there are problems with "real embedded" mode - this might be an option. (?)
Regards, Björn
Hi Daniel,
thanks! ;-)
Regards, Björn
what type of upload components are using? Which one is the one you internally use by your own component?
What does "upload does not work" mean exactly?
...yes, I like this, too! (Especially because in the FX client it works exactly this way, too). We have to do a bit "research work", but should work. Please expect this somewhere in July.
Regards, Björn
please check you we.xml - there is an "AutoCompleteServlet" registered (two places: the serverlet and the mapping). Please compare to the web.xml_templat in the same directory.
Regards, Björn
PS: AUTOCOMPLETE is not supported with Android so far!
yes there is a way:
You receive the current horizontal scroll position by
any you can set by
FIXGRIDBinding.scrollHorizontallyToPosition(int value)
Regards, Björn
no, this is not possible currently... - we just check what (+ how fast) we can do something there...
Regards, Björn
some answers:
(.) the numbers in the footer: xx(yyy), yyy=the time between the client sid send the reequest and the server having passed the response, xx=the rendering update after the client received the repsonse, i.e.:
xx == speed of renderign the update coming from the server
yyy == time for communication + server processing
(.) the progress bar is 100% fake only. But it looks very trustable. (?)
I think, after now having the SYSTEMICON, the footer line should only be used for development scenarios (esp. because of xx(yyy)-time-observation).
you really HAVE TO trigger the closing. Otherwise the application will never close...
This is what I meant with "And also note: when using CLIENTCLOSER, you have to close the client by triggering the CLIENTCLOSER. The client (when in webstart) will never stop itself on its own... it's always going through your application."
This is very comparable to closing popups: the user presses the "X", but the closing is done through the application.
Regards, Björn
...forgot to mention here: the update is available since Monday aftrenoon. Please check the change log for really interesting new features!
Regards, Björn