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autocomplete enhancement requests  XML
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Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:49:18
Messages: 93

While the new autocomplete seems to do what is needed - thank you so far -, we would like to have some enhancements

(1) waiting time: is currently fix at 1 sec; should be more flexible, either with many more parameters for the component, or e.g. a plugin mechanism where we can provide a class that can handle the strategy as needed. Currently we want that after initial list is made available, the waiting time should decrease (100/200 ms) since users expect fast reaction of newly typed characters; our server can handle this well since the initial list is cached anyway and can be narrowed quickly.

(2) design of the list: We would like to have more control on how the list is displayed; simple thing to specify the list width; then allow several columns; or still better completely flexible design where we specify the list, and search hints or clickable links, arranged somehow as needed when e.g. nothing or too many items are found, etc.

(3) have an ID in the list data, and when an item is selected, make "selectedId" available as a dedicated property in the following (flush) roundtrip so that we can determine more clearly what was selected, also to differentiate that something was selected from the list vs. normal text input. Currently we hide some special characters in the list elements which is rather clumsy.

(4) sometimes keyboard interaction seems to be lost; arrowdown keys do no longer scroll the list

(5) when scrolling through the list with arrow up/down keys, the list contents is copied to the field. However the insertion point (caret) should not be set to the end, but rather stay where it was before, and perhaps select from there to the end, so that when user continues to type, it is as if nothing has been taken from list. Some programs even show the newly copied text in gray, and continued typing overwrites the gray text unless enter/tab/rightarrow has been pressed.

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5535


puuuuuuuh ;-)

(1) duration: this is easy - we will do it short term

(2) table like display: this is more difficult - we internally use the editable combobox. In the combobox you can define certain items other than just text items, but we need to check. Any input on this is welcome!
The other things: this is clearly COMBOFIELD where you can do this. The AUTOCOMPLETE was a dedicated, asynchronous way of connecting to the server, we do not want to make a hyper-flexible thing out of it, to be honest.

(3) Id - This can be added by providing an alternative server side interface IAutoCompleteProviderIdAndText or so... - we will check

(4) any hints on reproducing this would be helpful - thanks!

(5) Carte - hmmm - do not know, if we should do this. Our comparison is the fabulous ggogle search bar wihtin the browser. This also moves the caret at the very end. - Different coloring: no chance, not supported by editable combo box


Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:49:18
Messages: 93

The idea for (5) comes from http://code.google.com/p/search-as-you-type/. Still not exactly sure what one expects.

Think have catched (4): comes when two items have identical contents - this is why we would like to display several columns, and have an id available.

(2) not sure how to best continue here, maybe we just copy your code, or we can find some useful points where to plugin our enhanced behavior.

Power User

Joined: 28/02/2011 17:12:24
Messages: 59

(2) Is there any new feature or possibility to enhance the look?
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