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Scroll triggered event in FIXGRIDNode  XML
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Joined: 15/04/2024 14:02:35
Messages: 4

In FIXGRIDNode component when I scroll through the elements there is an event being triggered, which reloads the UI data (all the methods exposed in the JSP file). We tried using the property setAvoidroundtrips(), but that only works when I click on the row and has no effect on the scrolling. Do you have any idea which property I need to set to avoid that UI reload?

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555


a scrolling in a FIXGRID by default always picks the next chunk of data from the server-side! The grid is NEVER loaded as complete list of items to the client but is "paged" for performance reasons.

On server side all data that is referenced by default is picked - because it might have changed in the meantime!

For grids there is some accelerator to reduce the picking of the grid item properties: please take a look into the Developer's Guid: https://www.captaincasa.com/docu/eclnt_risc_developersguide/index.html?performanceoptimizationofgrids

Kind regards! Björn

PS: the attribute AVOIDROUNDTRIPS is for grid selections "only". A grid selection sometimes needs not to be immediately passed to the server side...

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH
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