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SPANGRID with dynamic row height sizing - TEXTPANE's height not considered  XML
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Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555

(request by mail, responded via forum)

We have a SPANGRID with TEXTPANEs inside - and expect that the text content drives the height of the corresponding row when setting FIXGRID-DNYAMICHEIGHTSIZING to true. - But: the grid rows are always same size.

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555

TEXTPANE (and TEXTEDITOR) have - unfortunately - a sizing behavior which is a bit differnt to other components:

When defining WIDTH=100% and HEIGHT=100% then the TEXTPANE is sized into the "100%" area. But: the area's height does not grow when the text is too long. - To automatically determine and use the adequate height you need to define WIDTH=100% - and must not define a HEIGHT in addition:

 NOT auto-growing:
 <t:textpane ... width="100%" height="100%" .../>
 WITH auto-height-growing:
 <t:textpane ... width="100%" .../>

Now: what does this have to do with the SPANGRID?

In the SPANGRID item you add a component in the following way:
     public class GridItem extends SPANGRIDItem implements java.io.Serializable
         public GridItem(...)
         public void render()
             TEXTPANENode n = new TEXTPANENode()

So the component as added with addContent(colspan,componentNode).

Looking into addContent we see...:
     public void addContent(int colspan, ComponentNode node)
         if (node.getAttribute("width") == null)
         if (node.getAttribute("height") == null)

So the component automatically receives a HEIGHT of 100% if not set. And this is good for all components - and works "as designed" for the TEXTPANE component... - which means: the TEXT is cut, the sizing is not growing by the content.

So you need to explicitly pass a height in order to overcome this behavior. You cannot set a null-height because the check against the attribute is done with value null... But: you can pass the value Integer.MIN_VALUE which is interpreted on client side in the same way as null.

Update your code to:

         public void render()
             TEXTPANENode n = new TEXTPANENode()

And the sizing will be correctly done!

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH
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