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Development wiht HotswapAgent  XML
Forum Index -> Deployment
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Joined: 14/09/2020 18:27:21
Messages: 3


I would like to speed up CC local development. And I asked myself if something like JRebel would work. CaptainCasa is listed at https://manuals.jrebel.com/jrebel/misc/integrations.html#frameworks so I think it should work. I also found the following post. That sounds promising

So I searched a little bit and found this opensource tool that sounds very similar to JRebel:

Till now I had no time to try. Have someone from the community experiences with this tool or other opensource tools like that? Does it work with CC and does it speed up the development?

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5545


tools that I know, which are used inside the community:

1. CaptainCasa Hot Deployment ;-)
2. JRebel

What I read from Hotswap (http://hotswapagent.org/) sounds good and very interesting... Would be great if maybe someone already has taken a look + shares experience!

Kind regards, Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH
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