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Captain Casa preview don't like hibernat?  XML
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Power User

Joined: 19/11/2020 08:33:30
Messages: 66

Hello Björn,

Ok, I found out that hibernate works. It works in the App and in completed war file on tomcat-server. But it doesn’t work in preview in CCE. Is there a plugin for hibernate and CCE?

Or need I another class mapping for CCE?
I test the class mapping with xxx.hbm.xml and annotated entity.


Kind regards

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5545

Hi Klas,

the preview of the Layout Editor is an IFRAME showing you live application! ;-) So there is no difference in the application in the preview and the live one...

If you say: it does not work. What is exactly the problem? Is there an error message in the preview area? What does the log tell (tomcat/work/Catalina/lcoalhost/-files)?

Kind regards! Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 19/11/2020 08:33:30
Messages: 66

The Error message is:

org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.spi.ClassLoadingException: Unable to load class [com.hibernate.ccetest.HibernateTest.view.managedbeans.NewCars]

Kind regards
 Filename log_eclntjsfserver.txt.0.1.zip [Disk] Download
 Description Tomcat log
 Filesize 23 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  151 time(s)


Power User

Joined: 19/11/2020 08:33:30
Messages: 66


I found out because i read a post in a forum where a member wrote that it doesn't work in the preview, he then turned off the preview.
but it was a different software.

so I test it on Tomcat server and it Works.

Kind regards

Power User

Joined: 19/11/2020 08:33:30
Messages: 66

Maybe it loads not all libs in Casa?

here pictures from CC and Tomcat server

hope it helps

Kind regards
[Thumb - TomCatServer 2023-02-21 115903.png]
 Filename TomCatServer 2023-02-21 115903.png [Disk] Download
 Description Image from tomcat
 Filesize 18 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  143 time(s)

[Thumb - CaptainCasa 2023-02-21 115943.png]
 Filename CaptainCasa 2023-02-21 115943.png [Disk] Download
 Description Image from Casa
 Filesize 27 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  155 time(s)


Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5545


what the issue could be: Hot Deployment. I assume that your hibernate*.jar are in WEB-INF/lib - so Hibernate expects entity classes to be in WEB-INF/classes. If you use hot-deployment for all your packages then the entity classes (in eclnthotdeploy/classes) are not visible to hibernate.

So, put more details into your hot deployment definition. Only specifiy these packages that are UI-relevant for hot deployment.

When packaging a .war file then there is not hot deployment. THis is a design time issue.

The hot deployment configuration is part of the "Project Configuration...". You may also try to completely switch it off - to do a quick check. (But afterwards you should use a more fine-grained definition...)

Hope this takes the right direction...(?)

Kind regards! Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 19/11/2020 08:33:30
Messages: 66


Thanks I give it a try

Kind regards

Power User

Joined: 19/11/2020 08:33:30
Messages: 66

Ok, it works without hot deployment.
you were right

Kind regards

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5545

...as I already mentioned: Hot deployment is a key to productive development... There is also a phantastic (!!!?) video about this issue in the https://CaptainCasa.com page, quite at the top of the messages.

So, do not be satisfied with "works without hot deployment"! But establish a proper configuration of hot deployment.

We can support you of course in doing this. Just contact us directly.

Kind regards! Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH
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