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file chooser missing?  XML
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Power User

Joined: 19/11/2020 08:33:30
Messages: 66


I need a file chooser for the data path, because I want to read an Excel sheet un upload the information to Database. But not the hole file.

I read in forum about a file chooser but only old entries and I could find it in CCE.

Is it removed?

Help please!
thank you in advance.

Kind regards


Power User

Joined: 19/11/2020 08:33:30
Messages: 66


It looks like it is removed in the API I only cane find a FILECHOOSERNode. But there isn’t a file chooser button.

What are FILECHOOSERNode and FILECHOOSERComponent good for?

Kind regards


Edit: or as workaround, it is possible to get the path with the fileuploadbutton?

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5535

Hi Klas,

the reason for these components is: pure compatibility with the Swing client. In the Swing client there was full access to the client's file system. - In the browser client (luckily) there is no knowledge about the client's file system. the controls serve as simple String-input components here.

Also, if you upload a file via the upload components you will never receive back the full file name (including directory), but only the last part (actual file name). - ANd for selecting the file to be downloaded, there is no chance to pre-set the directory that should be opened.

Kind regards! Björn

PS: great to have you met at the community meeting!

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 19/11/2020 08:33:30
Messages: 66

Hello Björn,

Thank you for you answer!
A possible workaround would be to copy the excel file on a specific place with fileuploadbutton and then read it.
So, you have the correct path and after reading delete the file.

PS: it was a very interesting community meeting, thank you for it!

Kind regards

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