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Server side Trigger  XML
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Power User

Joined: 19/11/2020 08:33:30
Messages: 66


I want to make a triggered event on server side. All 24 hours it should check some entries on Database. I tried with TimerTask class but it never triggers.
So, I found some Demos for triggering but they only wait some seconds und not a whole day.
Is it not possible to use TimerTask on server side? Or is there a Demo with a long long long Trigger.

thanks for the help!

Kind regards


Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5535


the "enemy" you are fighting with is the session-timeout! ;-)

THis is configured in web.xml:


(in minutes)

In more complex situations there are also other session timeouts involved (proxy, single sign on, ...), so things can be more complicated in addition.

So better set the timer to "every 30 minutes" and then manage the actual counting of the 24 hours on server-side.

Kind regards! Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 19/11/2020 08:33:30
Messages: 66

A question if I use this method:

 	private void timerTask24() {			
 		String nameOfTable = "tbl_training_gebucht" ,  column_name = "TrainBookID",  sCustData ,  whereName = "Aktiv";
 		sCustData = 1 +" : " +1;
 		    TimerTask repeatedTask = new TimerTask() {
 		        public void run() {
 //		        	Statusbar.outputMessage("Task performed on " + new Date()+" "+ Thread.currentThread().getName());
 		        	LoadUpdateDBTrain(nameOfTable, column_name, sCustData, whereName);
 		    Timer timer = new Timer("Timer 24h");
 		    long delay = 1000L;
 //		    long period = 1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L;
 		    long period = 1000L * 60L ;
 		    timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(repeatedTask, delay, period);

And put the method name in the constructor, should it not work? I am a little bit confused.

Kind regards


Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5535

Hi Klas,

now I am confused, too. ;-)

When I was talking about "timer" then I was talking about the TIMER-component of CaptainCasa. This is like a "virutal button" which presses itself automatically every x milliseconds. (x defines in DURATION attribute).

The session needs to be kept alive by requests from the client side. (Like a user that is constantly interacting...)

In the demo workplace you find examples: General > Asynchrnous Processing > Timer

Hope, this clarifies confusion! (?)

Kind regards, Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 19/11/2020 08:33:30
Messages: 66


ah okey!
looks very cool, I give it a try.

Kind regards

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