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Chrome does render empty pages on one PC...  XML
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Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555

(from mail conversation + screen sharing)

We stumbled into a scenario in which pages were not correctly drawn in Chrome - only on one specific computer.

Symptom: instead of showing controls, white space was shown. The controls were visible for a short point of time, then disappeared. Sometimes they were not rendered at all. BUT: they still were "logically" present, this means: you could press e.g. buttons (event though they were not shown), so the DOM-elements were there and correctly positioned...!

Running same scenarios in Firefox on the same PC? No problem! Running same scenario on other PCs: no problem!

Well: we luckily found the following web page (and from there on a couple of related web pages): https://www.howtoedge.com/fix-white-or-blank-screen-issue-in-google-chrome/ - in which the same problem is described with other web pages.

In our case the first hint solved all problems: the switching off of the graphics acceleration. See attached screenshot for how to configure in Chrome.

We so far experienced this behavior on one PC - it's the first time we ever saw this. The PC was a Windows 10 Microsoft Surface 7 Pro - but there were other "same" PCs where the problem did not occur... (well: there's always some difference: driver versions, etc. etc.)

So please keep in mind: if "stupid rendering" in Chrome may occur - test without hardware acceleration to check if the problem is some bug in this area...

Regards, Björn
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Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH
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