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Disabling autofill functionality in Google Chrome  XML
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Joined: 23/01/2015 14:55:04
Messages: 18

Hi all,
This issue has more to do with the Google Chrome browser than with Captain Casa but is indirectly affected. Is there a way to impede Chrome autofilling form fields/passwords?

In previous versions of Chrome (somewhen between 2016Q3 - 2017Q1) we found out a way to overcome such an unwanted behavior by just placing another password field adjacent to the legit one. E.g:

<t:password background="#00000000" border="0" focusable="false" focusdrawborder="false" height="1" width="1" comment="This pwd field is just to disallow browser form-autocomplete to prefill any values in the previous pwd and username fields"/>

and that somehow made Chrome not fill the username and the password fields (they were coming one after the other in the .jsp)
Unfortunately since then there have been many Google Chrome versions in between and that solution doesn't work anymore (see image attached). Any hints, experiences suggestions?
[Thumb - 2019-11-12_09h38_47.png]
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Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5535

Hi David,

...what a "nice" ;-( solution that you found...

Just checked the web, and there is quite some discouraging discussion on this - because this seems to be some are of browser differences.

To all: any input/experience here is appreciated.

Regards, Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 04/02/2010 16:32:13
Messages: 34

Hi Björn,

a text field in CaptainCasa is finally rendered as an input-tag like this.

<input id="3196" spellcheck="false" autocomplete="off" class="riscfieldcontainer_field" placeholder="Name" style="box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 198px; height: 22px;">

Current Chrome and Edge browsers ignore the attribute autocomplete="off" and show autofill suggestions on some fields.
There are decriptions of many obscure hacks on stackoverflow.com. One possible solution is to add an additional attribute list="autocompleteOff".
Do you know if this works?

Is there a way to influence the way the input tag is rendered to add this attribute or has that to be done in the framework?

Another way I found to prevent autofill on name fields is to replace placeholder="Name" with palceholder="Text". But as the placeholder text shows in the GUI this is not really a solution. Leaving placeholder empty is no solution because the browser seems to take a preceeding label as a hint to a following name input field.


Axel Bender, DXC Technology

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Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5535

Hi Axel,

no real response yet on this, we are still checking... but just: thanks for your input on this! ;-)

Please expect real response during this week.

Regards, Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 11:36:10
Messages: 38

...my favorite information on this is:


Well, it at least shows that a lot of effort is spent dancing around this problem - and not coming to some satisfying result... ;-(

Regards, Björn

PS: the list="xxxx" adds a next variant to it: it seems to switch off the behavior in certain cases, but not in all. Still trying out...
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