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Invalidate session from client  XML
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Power User

Joined: 10/01/2008 09:41:55
Messages: 267
Location: Ettlingen

Hi everybody,

we have a special use case with one of our customers that requires invalidating the session from the client (no, SESSIONCLOSER will not help here).

The customer uses SiteMinder to start our application, and after "Logout" the SiteMinder session is not invalidated.

We are thinking of a solution where we redirect to some other URL, I was trying CLIENTHTTPSENDER, but did not proceed with JNLP.

Is there any way do solve the problem?
What about the PageBrowser parameter "clientexitlistener"?

Thanks for any hints

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5535


OK, you want to restart the client from client side (so the normal thing to invalidate the server side session via "HttpSessionAccess.getCurrentHttpSession().invalidate();" cannot be applied...).

The cleanest wy:

I could add some function into my HttpSessionAccess-facade. There is aleady one method "reloadClient()", which reloads the client (keeping the session context). I could now add a method "restartClient()" which opens the original URL and starts a new session

...but: is it possible at all to update the customer system?

Regards, Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 10/01/2008 09:41:55
Messages: 267
Location: Ettlingen

Hi Björn,

thanks for your quick answer.
Hmm, hmm, I must ask the project manager of that customer again, what they really want. But he is in vacation this week....

As far as I understood it is not about restarting the client, but rather moving to some other URL (i.e. google.de) just to get out of the session.
(They use SiteMinder for SingleSignOn and want to get out of it, when logging out from our client.)

Thats even more tricky, I guess.

Best regards


Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5535

...OK - so it's an applet scenario, not a webstart scenario...

There is an interface between CaptainCasa client running as applet and the surrounding JavaScript of the page. This component is CLIENTJSMETHODCALLER. You pass a JavaScript method via attribute JSCALL and you pass a TRIGGER - as result the method is executed (via "good old" netscape-JSObject interface...).

So you need to write a JS-method in the html file that contains the applet. And then you call this JS-method via the CLIENTJSMETHODCALLER component.

This is a clean solution! ;-) (well, if usage of applet is "clean", but this is some different discussion...)

Reagrds, Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 10/01/2008 09:41:55
Messages: 267
Location: Ettlingen

Hi Björn,

thanks, this works perfectly!

Best regards

Power User

Joined: 10/01/2008 09:41:55
Messages: 267
Location: Ettlingen


Now I have a corresponding question:

I now would like to ask the Application: "Are you running in an Applet?"
And I thought the easiest way might be to put a script in the page that answers "Yes".
But I did not find a way to get the callback from JavaScript.
Or can I use the message listener for this?

Best regards
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