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PopupMenu in Popup dialog  XML
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Joined: 16/01/2008 12:51:23
Messages: 17

Hi Björn!

I've got a strange behavior of popup menus in a pop dialog box:

I have a page including a generic search bean with a popup menu. (The entries of the popup menus are set dynamically, so each new instance will hold other menu entries). Now, this page can open a popup dialog via a link.
In this popup dialog I am using a new instance of the same generic serach bean class as in the outer page. Now the problem is, that I also get the popup menus of the outer page in my popup dialog. It seems, that the second instance is created correctly and also the get()/set() methods are called correctly, but after that, the get/set methods of the instance in the outer page are called. The result is, that the inner popup menus will be overwritten with the outer menu entries.

Do you have an idea what's wrong? Is it a CaptiainCasa problem, or did we something wrong?



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Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555


how sure are you that the popup is created by the bean of the popup, and not the bean of the page below the popup. Have you checked in debugger that the popup menu really is built up by the right instance?


Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH


Joined: 16/01/2008 12:51:23
Messages: 17

Well, I'm pretty sure, that we create the popup menus correctly. I walked through the code with the debugger serveral times and can't find an error. That's the reason why I posted into the form.



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Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555

OK... there might be the following problem: the id of the POPUPMENU which is refernced is the same between both pages - the base page and the popup page. Every time a popup menu is opened than the corresponding POPUPMENU is searched, by its id. So there's indeed a possibility that the "wrong" POPUPMENU is selected.

We will check...


Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH


Joined: 16/01/2008 12:51:23
Messages: 17

Oh, as you are talking about the id - forgot to mention something:

We also had the idea, that the id might be the problem, so we've set up a second popupmenu in the jsp and set a flag in the bean, so that in the inner class the second popup menu is used (We've set the component binding dynamically to either the first or the second popup menu). But this also didn't help. In this case perhaps the problem was, that the first popupmenu was just there, even if we didn't (want to) use it.


Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555

OK, what we can do: we can first search for a POPUPMENU which is included in exactly the same page as the one where the POPUPMENU is referenced. And, if we do not find one there then go on to the next one we can find in the component tree.

This should solve the issue.


Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555

We were typing in parallel: my previous message is no response to your last message...

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555

Hi Michael,

thanks to the log that you sent we did find the problem...: it had to do with the having two "same" POPUPMENU ids availabl in one screen.

How we now did improve:
we FIRST try to find a POPUPMENU when the user right-clicks which is defined in the same page as the component referenceing the id.
Only if nothing found in this page, then we search for the whole screen - and then the first one wins.

Thanks for your patience and support!
Solution is available in interims version tomorrow morning.


Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH


Joined: 16/01/2008 12:51:23
Messages: 17

Hi Björn!

With Version 20080819, the popup menus are working fine now!

Thanks for your help.

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