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03/03/2011 18:06:43
Joined: 12/03/2008 16:38:47
Messages: 9
Hello community!
I have some questions and proposals concerning the footerline in the (outmost) statusbar.
With the newest release 20110228 the SYSTEMICON component can be used to place the icons for client-configuration and restart somewhere else.
But I still want to use the statusbar to display these icons (within the footerline) because I like them there.
(Actually I don't know how to make a custom statusbar without the footerline but with the icons as SYSTEMICON, because there is no statusbar-control which I can place in a row together with the SYSTEMICON's...)
So I was thinking about some changes to the footerline, so that I really like it
The footerline shows the roundtrip-times (?) and a page-load progress bar (?) :
- roundtrip-times: Can someone explain me the meaning of the number of milliseconds in front and inside the brackets? (I couldn't find it in the documentation)
I think that these roundtrip-times shouldn't be shown to the user by default, because it’s rather something for debug/support purposes.
I would like to be able to switch them on/off at runtime in the client-configuration dialog, perhaps in an "advanced" section. What do you think?
- page-load progress bar: In our applications I never saw any progress shown in the progressbar. Perhaps this is because we use them only in our (fast) intranet...
Anyway - in IE 7 and 8, FireFox 3.6 and Google Chrome the progressbar is only shown during the loading of the page, afterwards it disappears.
I would like this behaviour also in CaptainCasa. What do you think?
Actually, in the slides for the new feature "Webstart Flat Mode" and the movie "Workplace Mgmt" there is no progressbar shown in the footerline - is it therefore already possible to hide the progressbar?
Thanks, Thomas
03/03/2011 19:00:29
Power User
Joined: 21/11/2007 11:36:10
Messages: 38
some answers:
(.) the numbers in the footer: xx(yyy), yyy=the time between the client sid send the reequest and the server having passed the response, xx=the rendering update after the client received the repsonse, i.e.:
xx == speed of renderign the update coming from the server
yyy == time for communication + server processing
(.) the progress bar is 100% fake only. But it looks very trustable. (?)
I think, after now having the SYSTEMICON, the footer line should only be used for development scenarios (esp. because of xx(yyy)-time-observation).
04/03/2011 10:09:56
Joined: 12/03/2008 16:38:47
Messages: 9
Hi, Björn
Thanks for explaining the roundtrip times.
Faking the progress bar is not nice…
Ok, then I have the possibility to switch off the footerline in production and to place the SYSTEMICON elsewhere (as you did in the demo workplace)
or to build a statusbar on my own (now I have found out how to arrange the rowstatusbar in line with other components…)